Where Are You? Just In Case of Emergencies….
We are adults.
We quit answering to others years ago regarding where we are and what we are doing.
We enjoy our independence, our ability to come and go as we please. It is a right we earned through our teenage years and took full advantage of when we flew the coup and reached adulthood.
But maybe we should rethink that…
When we make the decision to join the RV Life or just travel, many of us may mention it to friends or family, but we often don’t give them full details.
When we travel, our risks go up, and in life, well, shit happens.
When we decided to purchase an Airstream and try out the RV lifestyle for a couple of years, I wanted to make it as easy and stress-free as possible for us, and our grown children. Each time we hit the asphalt (or dirt road,) we are upping the odds of a possible emergency.
We left a metal box with our eldest son, filled with all of our important papers. I did not want such important information spread out across a highway should we wreck. They required protection and quick access if needed. If something happens to us, our son has access to everything he needs, including the title to the Airstream.
I started by emailing an itinerary of our routes but quickly learned there is no such thing when you are RVing around the country, you have intentions and plans that change. Instead, I opted to take a photo of Betty Jo (the Airstream) each time we parked somewhere. I text it to our sons, my sister, and a friend with the information about where Betty Jo is parked.
This information served two purposes; 1. It kept us connected, giving them a visual of where we were. 2. It let them know where the Airstream was parked should something happen to us while out exploring. My hope, should something happen to us, the emergency response team contacts our sons, and they know what to do about the Airstream.
Our son is to immediately contact the RV park or campground and let them know what happened. He might ask them for help or ask if they know someone to contact to tow it to a secure location while they figure out what to do. Our Airstream has a ProPride hitch, so it is not something that easily hitches up to any vehicle, making this a bit more challenging for them.
Our sons have an extra set of keys. And not just the keys to the doors, but keys to unlock all of the items we have locked down, such as the surge protector, the hitch, and the water filters.
We also carry in our wallets, a piece of paper with contact information for our sons on one side and where the Airstream is parked on the other.
But it is not just our Airstream that was a concern, we added our sons to all of our accounts, just in case.
Just-in-case may never happen (fingers crossed,) but just in case, we are as prepared as we can be.