What does Independence mean?
Tomorrow is Independence Day in the U.S. Many communities have canceled all 4th of July celebrations. And, so many people are taking this so hard. We have been so conditioned that the 4th of July means — barbecues, fireworks, parades, and large gatherings. We don’t know anything different as Americans. To be told this year that we can’t do any of those things due to Covid-19 is difficult for so many people. And the response of some — we’ll do it anyway.
In fact, firework sales are the highest they have ever been, even though it is illegal or banned in communities. In some communities people are planning protest parades. Many will have large family and friends barbecues. Why? Because we need and thank we have to celebrate. But some want to rebel and declare their independence, even at the risks of others.
But is that what Independence truly means? The definition of Independence, according to Merriam-Webster is — the quality or state of being independent. Our Independence Day is a day on which our country celebrates being independent from foreign rule — England.
But it can also mean — being Independent, the ability to take care of ourselves and our own needs. That we assume responsibility for our own decisions, though we should do so while considering others.
This year, more than any other time in history, Independence Day should mean we ban together as a nation, indivisible, and protection for ALL AMERICANS by doing what is RIGHT. Not want we want because we want to show OUR own Independence and be bullheaded and rebel, but do what is right for our country and our fellow Americans. Just like our forefathers did when they found for our independence. This means — no parades, no large gathering barbecues, and maybe quiet reflection on what our Independence really means for ALL Americans, especially during a Pandemic when so many American’s lives are on the line.
We as Americans value our independence, we have worked hard to attain and keep it, but sometimes we take that independence too far and forget we are still country, a country of Americans dependent on our fellow Americans.
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