I am normally an introvert, a quiet person, one who keeps my opinions to myself, that is until I am pushed too FAR!!! This is not a political post. This is not an article about Democrats vs Republicans. This is about a bully. A gangster and his thugs.
About a man who thrives on creating violence and chaos. Who is tearing our country apart. Who has lost the support of our allies and people around the world and in the U.S. Who is about the money for himself, his family, and his thugs, screwing the rest of us. Someone who would rather let thousands of Americans die during a pandemic than do what is right. Who is leading lambs to the slaughter with his political rallies because he needs his ego stroked. This is a man who abuses the highest ranking office in the country and the power that goes with it. Who gets away with breaking laws and whatever he wants — all because he has the title of President after his name.
No, this is not a political post. Nor is about party affiliations. It’s about many of us who are angry and frustrated at a man who is killing a nation. Angry that this moron and his thugs get away with. And, more importantly, angry at all of the people letting him getting away with it.
This election is not about being a Democrat or Republican. This election is about — Truth. Honesty. Human rights. The environment. The health and well-being of a nation and the people who live here. Most importantly — about SAVING AMERICA!!!
Trump has done more damage to the U.S.A. in three years, then most dictators do in the many years they are in charge. This pandemic has revealed a lot about the terrible issues we have and that have been hidden for years, but it has also shown us the REAL Donald Trump and just how far he will go to stay in power, even if it means killing Americans to do it.
Right now, Trump is using every trick in the dictator playbook to win the election — voter suppression, blocking mail-in ballots, and whatever else comes to mind. He cheated in 2016, but this time, this time he is being open about cheating, in fact, he is being downright blatant.
This election should not be about Parties, it needs to be about human beings.
We have an obligation, no, a duty in this election to stop Donald Trump. Not only for American’s sake, but for the rest of the world, for the earth, and for the future of mankind.
This is not a political post. This is me begging you, my fellow Americans, to do what is right on election day — VOTE TRUMP OUT OF OFFICE!!!!!