Time To Demand A NEW Normal
The Rat Race, that was the “normal” people wanted back. A frantic pace of existing, but not “living.” Where family came after work or even further down the priority list. Where greed and privilege was the goal.
Many of us who were raised before the seventies, our “normal” life was about family and community. Raising children to be good people with strong values. Being a good neighbor and being involved in our community. Meals were family gatherings, neighbors helped neighbors, and children had a stronger support system.
When the pandemic started in March and everything shut down, that type of normal returned. It was that era once again. Neighbors helping neighbors, communities supporting their citizens, quality family time. There was unity.
But it was short lived and the pandemic revealed what we had become.
Then a new norm emerged, or more accurately was exposed. Hate, rage, violence become a new “norm.” Our country went into full-blown turmoil. Neighbors turned against each other. States had to compete for support. Everyone was now on their own. The unity was gone.
We are now drowning in fear. Fear of covid, fear of our neighbors, fear of our government. The U.S. is imploding inwards, unless we STOP it now.
The pandemic may have revealed the worse parts of us, but it also revealed the best parts of us. We can unite, we can work together, we can be decent human beings. We need to remember what we can do when we support each other, we must remember the good in us — for our children’s futures, for our own futures.
It is time to demand a New normal. One that may be a combination of what was and what is. The ME generation didn’t work. It is time to be the US generation. To remember our real priorities — family, community, and supporting each other.